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Organized Cubicles

Your Very Own Professional Organizer


Home: Welcome


Discover your best space yet.

Have you recently experienced a major life transition?

Are you longing for vibrant health and a harmonious life?

Are you ready to make lasting changes that reflect your values and lifestyle?

Do you have a large-scale organizing project that you can’t accomplish on your own?

If you answered YES to any these questions, and are willing to set aside time and commit to this exciting journey, then Revamp® can help you:

Realize and take stock of what’s happening in your life today.

Envision your goals and life purpose.

Value what’s important.

Act on what needs to change. 

Maintain order and clarity in your life daily.

Prosper in ways you previously thought impossible.

Home: About Me

“In just a few sessions, Anna and I uncovered two rooms in my home which gave me a guest space and office; I get such joy from my space now.  Her style is efficient and effective, all the while showing compassion for the emotional nature of the task.  I couldn’t have done it without her.” 

Catherine M.

“I invited Anna into my home without having a clear idea of what would come of it or where to even begin. I had a lot of anxiety around this, but once we got started, I didn't want to stop! I'm now living within a space that is spacious and practical, and which allows me to fulfill a variety of roles in my personal and professional life without feeling overwhelmed by it all.” 

Becky C.

“Anna is a skillful and intuitive organizer.  I am awed by how she organized and created a space that I can easefully utilize in a way I never had before.  She has a real sense of how to arrange things, and how to gently support and encourage a person to let go and get rid of stuff.  She is delightful to work with has inspired me to clear my entire home.”  

Nancy P.

"Anna's organizing process turned my life into that of a well-organized adult. I don't know what my home would look like today without the hours she put into helping organize everything down to my tape and paper clips. Organization = peace of mind = priceless."

Rachel B.

Home: Testimonials

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Accord, NY, USA




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