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I was born to do this.

My mom loves to tell the story of taking me to the doctor’s office as a toddler, and how she was trying desperately to stop me from pulling out all the toys and magazines in the waiting room. A man sitting next to her, wearing a clerical collar, said to her “She’s just rearranging her space.” So she left me to it. I was the only child not squirming or crying in the room. 

Years ago when I lived in Brooklyn with two roommates, I found that organizing my bedroom before going to sleep, especially if I had a big day ahead of me - a job interview, a test, or holiday - helped me to rest more easefully. Intuitively I knew organizing would help me sleep better, quell my anxiety, and provide clarity. This became a routine which helps me to “reset” to this day.

My instincts knew what has taken years of practice and experience to understand: organization creates space and allows for an environment we can thrive in; structure paradoxically provides freedom and choice. 

We all get stuck. We know we’re stuck, but we’re not sure what the next right thing is. Things we want to hold onto are hard to let go of. Our present is cluttered with our past. Sometimes things just need to move. However, we often need support and a fresh pair of eyes in order to do so - a cheerleader of sorts. That's where I come in!

I’ve always loved helping others to organize their space and declutter, which has turned into a passion, the development of a philosophy, and a connectedness between all the things I have always been naturally interested in.

And I love what I do! Which is, essentially, helping you to create the life you deserve. One filled with growth, personal power, spaciousness and abundance.

How cool is that?

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